70 year old grandma in Isaan Thailand arrested for growing one cannabis plant

A 70 year old woman from Khon Kaen in northeast Thailand spent Saturday night in a jail cell after she and her relative were arrested for growing one cannabis plant each. After 24 hours without freedom, they were granted bail of 10,000 baht each. The grandma told police she boils the leaves to make medicine to treat her illnesses. However, she hadn’t sought permission to grow the plant, so she was arrested. 10 villagers have filed a complaint for justice because the grandma was denied bail for 24 hours and because she was apparently arrested without a warrant.
While Anutin’s medical marijuana conference tours the country, which includes seminars on how to grow cannabis plants at home, some might assume growing marijuana for medical purposes is legal. Let the grandma’s story be a lesson, growing marijuana at home without permission is still illegal and is an arrestable offence.
70 year old Maha Sena and her 48 year old relative Boonseng Singhern planted one marijuana plant each in front of Maha’s house, growing to around 140 centimetres and weighing around 300 grams each. Maha explained that boiling the leaves and drinking the tea is good medicine that helps to treat her illnesses.
Police arrested Maha and Boonseng around 10am on Saturday and took them to the police station. Grandma requested to be released on bail, but the police refused to release the two women on bail. Maha’s son is a lawyer and when he asked to speak to police about the possibility of bail, the police refused to speak to him, he said.
Maha and Boonseng slept in a police cell on Saturday night. On Sunday morning, police asked whether the pair wanted to get out on bail for 10,000 baht each, which they agreed to pay. Grandma couldn’t understand why they didn’t grant them bail 24 hours earlier. Apparently, the police did not have an arrest warrant either.
The grandma said “I was just growing marijuana for medicinal purposes and ended up arrested and at the police station. Then, they wouldn’t let me out on bail. I ask for justice for all involved.”
SOURCE: ThaiRath